and will come out to (A)deceive the nations which are in the (B)four corners of the earth, (C)Gog and Magog, to (D)gather them together for the war; the number of them is like the (E)sand of the [a]seashore. And they (F)came up on the [b]broad plain of the earth and surrounded the (G)camp of the [c]saints and the (H)beloved city, and (I)fire came down from heaven and devoured them. 10 And (J)the devil who (K)deceived them was thrown into the (L)lake of fire and [d]brimstone, where the (M)beast and the (N)false prophet are also; and they will be (O)tormented day and night forever and ever.

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  1. Revelation 20:8 Lit sea
  2. Revelation 20:9 Lit breadth of the earth
  3. Revelation 20:9 Or holy ones
  4. Revelation 20:10 I.e. burning sulphur